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The Ceremonial Opening of Sichuan Vast 6inch Chip

Release Time: 2014-07-07
The Ceremonial Opening of Sichuan Vast 6inch Chip Project was Held Successfully! June 18th, 2014, the groundbreaking ceremony of Sichuan Vast 6inch chip project was held solemnly in Suining, Sichuan Province. Experts and executives from well-known enterprises like the Chinese semiconductor academy, Chongqing sound and light academy, Huahong NEC, Huarun Semiconductor, Beijing Yandong, Shenzhen Sisemi, Hangzhou Silan, Ningbo BYD, and the Suining mayor, members of Municipal Committee together with representatives from Shanghai Vastity, Max, HEB,SMFL, O-TEC and Hitachi Logistics, all attended the project groundbreaking. The Sichuan Vast 6inch chip project is developed by Suining government, cooperated with Shanghai Vastity. It’s a large comprehensive project integrated with chip design, production and sales. The total construction area is over 100,000.00 square meters, with 31.8 billion RMB investment, and expect to put into production at the end of 2015, with first phrase construction completed. The Sichuan Vast 6inch chip project has been listed as the key project by Suining government, and has gained great support from the relevant departments. We together tend to set up the manufacture enterprise with great competitive strength, strong drive and radiometric force, to drive the city’s economy scale and quality. The Sichuan Vast 6inch chip project will be another name card of Suining and Shanghai Vastity!

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