Ticker : 836545
"People-oriented" continue to deepen the human resources management system, to create a good environment for the growth of talent to accelerate the restructuring contingent personnel, optimize the allocation of human resources, vigorously develop the introduction of the company's business development in urgent need of all kinds of talents
Job TitleRecruiting DepartmentOccupation AgeRecruitment QuotaRelease Time
  • Equipment EngineerLitho Dept.2 years or above12016-08-02

    Salary treatment: Negotiable
    Work place: Ningbo
    Hands-on background: 3 years or above is preferred
    Education requirements: College degree or above

    Job responsibilities

    Mainly engaged in  repair, installation and technical services of  etcher.

    Job requirements
    • Good English ability.
    • Have basic knowledge of  circuit and have good ability of learning.
    • Grasp the maintenance and repair of two main etcher.
    • Have a strong sense of responsibility.
    • Have a strong ability of  communica,coordinate,analy and solve problem.
    Send your resume
  • Equipment EngineerImplant Dept3 years or above12016-08-02

    Salary treatment: Negotiable
    Work place: Ningbo
    Hands-on background: 3 years or above is preferred
    Education requirements: College degree or above

    Job responsibilities

    Mainly engaged in  repair, installation and technical ;services of  etcher.

    Job requirements
    • Good English ability.
    • Have basic knowledge of  circuit and have good ability of learning.
    • Grasp the maintenance and repair of two main etcher.
    • Have a strong sense of responsibility.
    • Have a strong ability of  communica,coordinate,analy and solve problem.
    Send your resume
  • Equipment EngineerTF & ETCH Dept2 years or above12016-08-02

    Salary treatment: Negotiable
    Work place: Ningbo
    Hands-on background: 3 years or above is preferred
    Education requirements: College degree or above

    Job responsibilities
    Job requirements
    Send your resume
  • Equipment EngineerDiff Dept3 years or above is preferred12015-03-16

    Salary treatment: Negotiable
    Work place: Ningbo
    Hands-on background: 3 years or above is preferred
    Education requirements: College degree or above

    Job responsibilities

    Mainly engaged in  repair, installation and technical services of  etcher.

    Job requirements
    • Good English ability.
    • Have basic knowledge of  circuit and have good ability of learning.
    • Grasp the maintenance and repair of two main etcher.
    • Have a strong sense of responsibility.
    • Have a strong ability of  communica,coordinate,analy and solve problem.
    Send your resume
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